Singapore - Best Place To Live


I came across this short article in our papers yesterday and though it is worthwhile to share it with you.

Of course, this is based on a small sample only but I believe it does say something about living here in Singapore.

My brother and younger sister are living in Australia and taken up citizenship there, for their personal reasons. For many years, I have also harboured thoughts of going to live there too until my recent two trips to Melbourne. I lived in Melbourne for 4 years as an overseas students so I also have some fond memories and attachments to the place.

Now, my wife and I have decided that we will retire and live within our means here in Singapore. However, we are open if our only son chooses to live overseas for his own personal reasons.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not boasting that Singapore is the best place to live in this world.

We all have our own personal reasons to choose the place to live and die.
